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A Belgian and Independent Studio

Funtomata is the result of enriching encounters, seized opportunities, a strong desire to share, and a common passion for entertainment. Our philosophy? To reinvent the world of tales through videogame experiences aimed at children.

A mix of sharing, awakening and fun

Being a parent is a wonderful human adventure, rich in love and surprises. But it is also a whirlwind of emotions, a journey we are never fully prepared for. However, there is no miracle recipe or guide to educate our children.

So how do we help them understand and put into words what they are feeling? How can we talk to them about complex issues using appropriate language?

Funtomata invites you to answer these questions by sharing special moments with your child. Experience a magical family adventure through colorful and value-laden stories. As an independent video game studio, we are committed to creating a common language, where children and adults can evolve on the same level.

Self-confidence, empathy, fear, frustration, otherness… Funtomata tackles a variety of themes with kindness, aiming to open up discussion and encourage children’s development in a stimulating way. Each our our game-tales is thus a wonderful educational tool.

Learning while having fun, growing up while keeping our childlike spirit… Funtomata is your partner for unique experiences!