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The Team

Funtomata relies on the expertise of a multidisciplinary team, combining skills in video games and scriptwriting. We create strong visual identities and adapted gameplay and use our know-how to create the best Point & Click games for children.

Our staff is also guided by childhood professionals (emotional coaches and psychologists) to address important everyday issues as authentically as possible.

Funtomata is, first and foremost, a human-centered company with fun as its central pillar. Every employee is free to develop their talents. Funtomata integrates promising young talent and offers a real springboard for the creators of tomorrow!

« We are the result of our decisions and of our encounters. »

Jean-Gobert de Coster CEO – GAME DIRECTOR

18 years of multidisciplinary experience, passionate storyteller, teacher and game designer


6 years experience in graphic novel illustration, passionate about technology, art teacher for children

Eleanor Ernaelsteen ANIMATOR

Six years of experience in 2D and 3D animation, specializing in drawing cats and dogs of all kinds


Programming and multimedia skills, with a burning desire to continuously improve tools and workflows